Join us in-person
or online
8:30 am Sunday Mornings
This quieter early Sunday service has a simpler format for celebrating the Word with lovely piano music for praise and Holy Communion. We invite our early birds to come worship with us.
We would be delighted to see you for worship and praise!
10:30 am Sunday Mornings
The full Sunday Service with hymns and full choir, a sermon, Holy Eucharist, Baptisms and other Episcopal church rites. Live streamed. Followed by a fellowship event.
Join us for worship and discover our love of Christ, and you!
9:30 am Christian Education
Episcopal Christian Education between the two Sunday Services. We offer a rich array of in-depth topics and welcome intellectual curiosity. Come see for yourself.
8:00 am Wednesday Mornings
For Prayers To Be Read Aloud In Church:
Send these prayers by noon on Friday before the Sunday Service.
If your prayer is for someone other than yourself, be certain you have their consent to share their concerns in public.