We believe that when we prioritize God first,
God will abundantly supply all our needs.
We commit our resources to those activities that grow our relationship with God and our community. We invite you to join with us in prayerfully considering what you can contribute in time, talent, and treasure to support the ministry of St. Francis of Assisi in Chapin. This is how we commit to Stewardship.
Come be a living member of the body of Christ. Partake in this spiritual food, and realize you are then sent into the world in peace with strength and courage to serve in the name of the Lord. Join us knowing the gift of your presence is precious in His sight. Be sure to visit the Welcome page to see how we make it easy to reach out and find out about worshipping with us.
At St. Francis, we encourage service to our neighbors, taking what we learn inside the church and using it to love the community.
We are deeply committed to responding to the needs of our community, and we believe that even small acts of kindness can help change the world.
Be sure to visit the Serve & Connect page, and reach out to get involved!
We appreciate your generosity and welcome donations of any amount to support our church's mission. Our Annual Campaign keeps our ministries moving and relevant in our community. Planned Gifts through financial or estate planning are foundational to the long term health of our parish. The Capital Campaign supports the physical building we minister from. And monthly Online is our lifeblood for doing the work of Christ.